1. 面部表情识别
    基于静止图像和动态视频序列的 计算机视觉方法、基于 Wi-Fi 信号的方法、基于 EMG 和 EOG 神经信号的方法 、基于惯性传感器的特征提取方法

  2. 眨眼检测
    EOG sensor, proximity sensor and camera” (Liu 等, 2021, p. 732)

  3. sensing with earbles
    “(i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identi￿cation.” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1352)
    这篇文章的图fig2总结的嘿不错——Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena ![[Pasted image 20230913202630.png]]
    ear:“blood perfusion and cardiac action potential can be sensed directly at the ear, whereas heart rate is derived from lower-level observations” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1355)。

    1. “earable detection of sleep apnea, or repetition counting in fitness” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1355)。
    2. ……
    3. 睡意
    4. 体温 body temp
    5. 呼吸respiration
    6. bruxism磨牙
    7. sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停
    8. epilepsy癫痫
    9. ovulation排卵
    10. gesture eliciation诱发
    11. tensor tympani contraction鼓膜张量收缩
    12. actuation 刺激
    13. triboelectric sensors摩擦生电
      ![[Pasted image 20230914095147.png]]
      ![[Pasted image 20230914095411.png]]
      ear canal shape changes: “piezoelectric or pressure sensors” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1358). “motion changes over time or by characteristic sound re￿ections emitted in the enclosed ear cana” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1358).“ear canal deformation can be sensed using a barometer to detect the in-ear pressure, through proximity sensors which measure the in-ear distances, or through accelerometers and gyroscopes as the ear canal deforms during jaw movements” (Röddiger 等, 2022, p. 1359)

      The wearable state of the earables can be detected using capacitive sensing [64], proximity sensors [219], ultrasound frequency sweeping [182], and the coupling effect through the headphone drivers [93].
      眼动 Detecting eye movement from the ear can be achieved using electrooculography (EOG) – which detects electric field changes when the eyes move because the eyeballs have a negative charge on the retina and a positive charge on the cornea
  4. self contained platform

  5. power consumption

  6. Wearable and Smart Device Ecosystem

  7. integration of multiple sensors

  8. “Assessment Heterogeneity.”

  9. ecological validity

  10. user variability
